Rental Wheelchair Accessible Vans - PA, MD & WV (1 of 1)

There are many benefits to renting wheelchair accessible vans

If you are shopping to purchase wheelchair vans, it is always a good idea to take a look at all of the options and find out which one fits your specific needs.  If you are a first time buyer, it might serve you well to rent a wheelchair van before purchasing.  This allows you to try before you buy.  Renting wheelchair vans allows you to take an extra long test drive.  Wheelchair vans are big investments and renting one before you buy allows you some extra time to drive the van and see exactly how it meets your needs.  Just as our bodies are all different shapes and sizes, so are wheelchair vans.

Rental wheelchair vans offer accessible transportation when your current vehicle is getting maintenance.  All vehicles including wheelchair vans need service from time to time and having accessible transportation is of the utmost importance when it comes to people with disabilities.

Whether you are renting wheelchair vans to get to a doctor appointment, a special event, or a fun outing, Total Mobility Services can provide you with wheelchair vans when you need to rent accessible transportation.  Contact Total Mobility Services today and find out about our special deal on rental wheelchair vans !